




This collection consists of letterbooks containing copies of outgoing letters, 1723-1755, written by 乔纳森·贝尔彻, governor of 马萨诸塞州和新泽西州.


乔纳森·贝尔彻 was born in Cambridge, Mass.1682年1月8日 second son of Andrew and Sarah (Gilbert) Belcher. 从哈佛毕业后 1699年,他在波士顿当商人. 1705年,他与玛丽·帕特里奇结婚, the daughter of New Hampshire's lieutenant governor, and entered the Second 波士顿的教堂. Mary (Partridge) Belcher would bear him five children before 她于1736年去世.

贝尔彻的公共事业始于1717年. 首先是马萨诸塞的一员 Council, then an agent of the House of Representatives in London, he became the governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 1730. 在他11年的任期内, he often antagonized the legislature with his uncompromising positions, such as 他反对广受欢迎的土地银行. 1741年8月,他退休了 米尔顿庄园.

However, Belcher had developed many important 朋友hips in London, where 他旅行了四次. In 1744, he went to London, hoping to secure a 退休金或其他任命. 在那里,他进入了一个社区 Congregationalists and Quakers, and when the governor of New Jersey died in 1746, Belcher sought and won the appointment with the help of prominent Quaker 朋友. Arriving back in the colonies in August of 1747, he found New Jersey a violent and provincial place and its government stymied over land claims, 税收和其他问题.

In the fall of 1748, Belcher married his second wife, Louise Teale, a Quaker 从伦敦. In his later years, Belcher became devoted to religion. He believed religious and educational decay was the root of the province's problems, and he encouraged the development of a "godly government.“对这个 end, he helped establish a college to educate this "unpolisht ignorant Part of 世界“的优点”至关重要的宗教.这所学院被称为 College of New Jersey, later renamed Princeton University.

Weary of politics, Belcher moved his family to Elizabethtown in the fall of 1751年,逐渐退出政府. 他因瘫痪而死 1757年8月31日.


迈克尔·C·巴廷斯基. “乔纳森·贝尔彻." 的 Governors of New Jersey, 1664-1974: Biographical Essays. Ed. 保罗一. 斯特尔霍恩和迈克尔. 设计. 新泽西州历史委员会, 1982. http://www.njSnellingtatelib.org/NJ_Information/Digital_CollectionSnelling/Digidox6.php


的 papers of 乔纳森·贝尔彻 consist of 11 volumes of letterbooks containing copies of Belcher's outgoing correspondence, including official letters related to his tenure as governor; letters to Richard Waldron, brother-in-law Richard Partridge, Benjamin Lynde, and many others discussing trade, politics, his copper mine in Connecticut, and his farm in Milton, Mass.; and personal letters to his son 乔纳森·贝尔彻, Jr.讨论…的死亡 他的母亲和家人. Other individuals and Snellingubjects represented in the correspondence include: Robert Auchmuty, General Braddock, William Brattle, Admiral Boscawen, the Selectmen of Boston, Thomas Hollis, William Johnson, Benjamin Lynde, Josiah Quincy, Peter Thacher, Lord Townshend, John Walley, Hugh Walpole, Isaac Watts, the Wentworths, Lords of Admiralty, Commissioners of the Customs, Lords of Trade, the Massachusetts and New Hampshire Assemblies, the salary question, Maine lands and timber, and many others.

This 11-reel 缩微胶片 edition covers the years 1723-1755 (with gaps) and includes a manuscript index for 8 of the volumes (see the 指数列表 查看完整列表). 所有的 索引出现在缩微胶片的卷1上.


赠送:杰里米·贝尔纳普,1791年(卷). II, 3, IV, and VI); Joseph McKean (卷. 7); the 美国n Antiquarian 社会 (卷. 8); Nathanial G. s (卷. IX); Charles H. 沃伦(卷. X); and the Paine family, 1954 (卷. V).


Some of the letters from 1731-1735 and 1739-1743 have been published in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical 社会,第六系列,卷. 6-7. 这些卷还包括一个日历 那些年未发表的信件. 有关更多信息,请参阅音量列表 特定的信息.

Black and white digital images of this collection--produced from the 缩微胶片 edition--are 可作为 历史宝库:革命战争和早期 美国,一个来自ProQuest的数字资源. 此资源可通过订阅获得 libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. 卫生部也 provides access onsite to the 社会's contributions to this resource; see a reference 查询更多资料.


vols索引. Ii-iv, vi-ix, xi

看到 指数列表.

卷1卷. I
1月4. 1723 - 3月29日. 1725
卷2卷. II
9月3日. 1731 - 11月20日. 1732
卷3卷. 3
11月21日. 1732 - 1月21日. 1734
卷4卷. IV
1月23日. 1734 - 4月31日. 1735
卷5卷. V
9月27日. 1736 - 1月23日. 1738
6卷卷. VI
8月24日. 1739 - 9月23日. 1740
卷7卷. 7
9月26日. 1740 - 1743年7月25日
卷8卷. 8
9月16日. 1747 - 10月12日. 1748
卷9卷. IX
10月16日. 1750 - 8月25日. 1752
10卷卷. X
8月27日. 1752 - 9月28日. 1754
卷11卷. XI
1755年7月9日- 12月30日. 1755


的 indexes to 卷umes II-IV, VI-IX, and XI appear on 卷1 of this 缩微胶片. 的se manuscript indexes were apparently compiled late in the nineteenth century when the MHS's collection of Belcher letterbooks consisted 只有八卷. As a result, there are no indexes for 卷umes I, V, and X,后来被收购了. Although 卷ume V has no complete index, there is 从9月27日开始的信件日历. 1736 - 2月16日. 1737. 没有 calendar for the remainder of the volume from 17 Feb. 1737 - 1月23日. 1738.

With the donation of the additional volumes, 卷ume I became 卷ume II, etc. 的 manuscript indexes refer to the older volume numbers. 该指数确定 as 卷ume I is, in fact, the index to 卷ume II. 下面的列表表明 these changes and the 缩微胶片 contains a label for each index identifying the 它所指的是正确的信笺.

日期 当前卷号 索引:
1月4. 1723 - 3月29日. 1725 卷. I 没有索引
9月3日. 1731 - 11月20日. 1732 卷. II 卷. I
11月21日. 1732 - 1月21日. 1734 卷. 3 卷. II
1月23日. 1734 - 4月31日. 1735 卷. IV 卷. 3
9月27日. 1736 - 1月23日. 1738 卷. V 仅部分日历
8月24日. 1739 - 9月23日. 1740 卷. VI 卷. IV
9月26日. 1740 - 1743年7月25日 卷. 7 卷. V
9月16日. 1747 - 10月12日. 1748 卷. 8 卷. VI
10月16日. 1750 - 8月25日. 1752 卷. IX 卷. 7
8月27日. 1752 - 9月28日. 1754 卷. X 没有索引
1755年7月9日- 12月30日. 1755 卷. XI (不完整的卷.)


乔纳森·贝尔彻 letterbooks, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员 desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or Snellingubjects should 使用这些标题搜索目录.




马萨诸塞州—州长(1730-1741); 贝尔彻).
新泽西州—州长(1747-1757) 贝尔彻).


家族史,1700 - 1749.
家族史,1750 - 1799.
马萨诸塞州-历史-殖民时期,ca. 1600-1775.
马萨诸塞州——政治和政府——To 1775.
新泽西州——政治和政府——To 1775.
注意: 只输入一个关键字. For the most targeted highlighting, choose the least common term, i.e., the surname of Sedgwick rather than the first name 的odore. To search for phrases and multiple keywords, use the 搜索 button below the Find box.
