A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.


森. Leverett Saltonstall Presidential Letters 和 Photographs

This group of documents 和 photographs highlight the relationships between Leverett Saltonstall (1892-1979) 和 ten 总统 of the United States.

莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔的儿子 理查德·米德尔科特·索尔顿斯托尔埃莉诺·布鲁克斯·索尔顿斯托尔, rose through the Massachusetts Republican Party to become the governor of Massachusetts (1939-1945) 和 a U.S. 参议员(1945 - 1967), where he served as Republican Whip (1949-1957) 和 as chairman of the 森ate Armed Services Committee (1953-1955).

在他长期担任民选官员期间, 在他退休后, 索尔顿斯托尔与十个前任建立了关系, 当前的, 和未来的U.S. 总统. Detail of letter from Dwight 艾森豪威尔 to Leverett Saltonstall, 9 August 1956He worked especially closely with Republican president Dwight D. 艾森豪威尔. "Both on a personal 和 professional basis,"  艾森豪威尔 wrote Saltonstall in 一个11月. 1953年信, " you are one of those I consider indispensable."

Saltonstall was well-known for his skill at reaching across the aisle to establish productive bipartisan relationships in the 森ate. This is particularly evident in Saltonstall’s close 和 lasting friendship with Democratic president Lyndon B. 约翰逊, Detail of photograph of h和shake between 莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔和林登·约翰逊 at the White House约翰逊在几封信中雄辩地表达了这一点. Upon hearing in December 1965 that Saltonstall had announced his retirement, 约翰逊总统发了电报 “I have been privileged to know you well 和 to serve with you in the 森ate. Your friendship is one of the treasures I shall always value most devotedly.”

索尔顿斯托尔参加了 约翰·F的婚礼. 肯尼迪和杰奎琳·布维尔在1953年, 和 the two served together in the 森ate from 1953 to 1960. One of their constituents thought the two had an even closer relationship, mistakenly assuming Saltonstall to be 肯尼迪’s uncle. “如果你愿意承认的话,” 肯尼迪在1963年的一封信中开玩笑说,“我是。.”

的利记手机官网指南 莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔的报纸,以及收藏指南 莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托签名集 其中许多文件都是从中挑选出来的.


Letter from Calvin 柯立芝 to Leverett Saltonstall, 28 April 1932
"We have our dinner at six o'clock 和 we do not dress for it."


Letter from Herbert 胡佛 to Leverett Saltonstall, 1 June 1957
"From observation of two world wars I believe there are two conclusions..."


Letter from Franklin 罗斯福 to Leverett Saltonstall, 25 June 1941
"In these trying times I have to miss many things which would be a joy..."


Letter from Leverett Saltonstall to Harry 杜鲁门, 24 May 1950
"This letter is not of deep governmental importance but may give you a smile."

Letter from Harry 杜鲁门 to Leverett Saltonstall, 26 May 1950
"I don't see how he could be but a gr和 person with that last name"


Letter from Dwight 艾森豪威尔 to Leverett Saltonstall, 16 November 1953
"Never have I had more welcome news than the information in your note..."

Letter from Dwight 艾森豪威尔 to Leverett Saltonstall, 23 August 1954
"I know that your colleagues in the 森ate  will agree with me that your many contributions to our country in this Congress have been remarkable."

Letter from Dwight 艾森豪威尔 to Leverett Saltonstall, 9 August 1956
"...I think you personally should have a feeling of great accomplishment in your constructive work in national defense..."

Dwight 艾森豪威尔 和 Leverett Saltonstall 和 艾森豪威尔's family (David 艾森豪威尔, ...

理查德•尼克松(Richard 尼克松), Leverett Saltonstall, Dwight 艾森豪威尔, 和 Henry Cabot Lodge ...
黑白照片由[西奥多·J .. Stavrello?1960年8月



Letter from 林登·约翰逊 to Leverett Saltonstall, 28 July 1955
"I haven't seen anything on the television screen like Leverett Saltonstall confronted with two calves."

Letter from 林登·约翰逊 to Leverett Saltonstall, 4 August 1956
"It has meant much to me that a man such as yourself, 尽管党派关系不同, 一直如此亲切, 这么好, 那么周到."

Telegram from 林登·约翰逊 to Leverett Saltonstall, 30 December 1965

Letter from 林登·约翰逊 to Leverett Saltonstall, 3 November 1966

Black 和 white photograph by Moss Photo, NY, 1956

莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔和林登·约翰逊 at the White House

Leverett Saltonstall, Alice Saltonstall, 林登·约翰逊 和 Lady Bird 约翰逊 ...
彩色摄影:Cecil W. 斯托顿?, 1965年2月18日



Letter from 理查德•尼克松(Richard 尼克松) to Leverett Saltonstall, 18 January 1961
"I want you to know how deeply touched I was by your references to me..."

Letter from 理查德•尼克松(Richard 尼克松) to Leverett Saltonstall, 30 November 1972
"I can only assure you I shall do everything possible over the next four years to make a record which will justify your abiding confidence 和 loyal support."

理查德•尼克松(Richard 尼克松), Leverett Saltonstall, Dwight 艾森豪威尔, 和 Henry Cabot Lodge ...
黑白照片由[西奥多·J .. Stavrello?1960年8月


理查德•尼克松(Richard 尼克松)
Color photograph by White House photographer, 1969


Letter from 杰拉尔德·福特 to Leverett Saltonstall, 24 June 1975
"I particularly appreciate having your experienced views on the matter of the CIA."



乔治·H的信.W. 布什致莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔,1978年10月31日
"I had a good visit with Bill Saltonstall at lunch--an extra dividend."